Let’s Get Started
Starting your career exploration can be overwhelming, but that’s where we come in! Take a look at our services below that are meant to guide you through exploring and choosing careers, connect you with alumni, provide you with skills needed to achieve success, and help with experiential learning through internships and research.

Career Peer Mentors
Students can start here by meeting with a Career Peer Mentor. CPMs meet with students individually and in groups, providing services including resume reviews, internship search assistance, and graduate school information for each of the Career Exploration Communities (CECs).
Career Coaching
Career Coaches provide a deeper dive into your career exploration by helping students decide on a major; take self-assessments; write resumes and personal statements; locate and apply to internships, research opportunities, post-grad jobs, and graduate school; and much more.

Career Exploration Communities
Student are encouraged join the Career Exploration Communities (CECs) to help provide substantial career support and success. You can join one or more communities to explore an array of careers through customized programs and events, networking, and specialized internships. Faculty, staff, Career Advocates, and industry experts provide advice and mentorship.
Find an Internship