Explore Careers (AM&E)
Below are resources for exploring careers in arts media & entertainment.
The Art Career Project
Information on a huge array of art and art-related careers.
Best Art Schools & Colleges
Information on specific art focuses, a search tool to find art schools, and typical timelines for art degrees at various education levels.
American Historical Association
Information on a wide array of careers with historical societies.
New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) Jobs Board
The largest consolidated listing board for artist residency opportunities, internships, part-time work, freelance projects, full-time work, open calls for exhibitions, and other professional opportunities.
MuseWeekly Newsletter by the Museum Studies Department at the University of Delaware
Aggregated listing of internships, fellowships, conference calls for papers, part-time and full-time jobs, and a variety of other opportunities for students and professionals in the GLAM sector (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums).
Publishing and Journalism
Journalism Careers
Information on the types of journalism careers and how best to prepare for them.
Information on the types of publishing and company profiles for each type.
Sports Degrees
Discover sports management and sports administration degrees, education, and careers.